Quagmire- Where it all Started

14 plus an FNG  in the warm and muggy Gloom at Quagmire. This AO is where I posted for my first time back on 2-18-19. Bones’ Eh’d me for 12 full months before I gathered the gumption to get after it. Lutefisk had the Q for a coin flip beatdown. Couple of the regular Pax picked me up in the deep 6 for the next 3 weeks while I got my legs under me.  Will be eternally great full to those guys for keeping me going day after day.

Quick Disjointed disclaimer at 0515 and off we go on a quick mosey across the AO to the Tuesday Morning parking lot.


20 SSH

20 imperial walkers

20 Hillbilly Walkers — At this point Cornhole did me a solid and advised the PAX we did have an FNG in the mix. Need to work on my Openers/ disclaimers and such- Thanks Cornhole.

20 fast and slow Windmills-Based on the Mumble Chatter the Pax like very slow windmills- I like to keep the pace up.

20 Weed pickers

15 Flutter kicks

Roll to Plank for 30 seconds then into 3 rotations of Downward Dog and honeymooners.

Mosey to Target for the fun

The Thang

Red Ball Workout with Suicides. Side Note- Had the Weinke all ready to roll last night when I stopped to cook supper and my son deleted the entire thing. So who knows what the comparison between what we did and what I had on paper would have actually looked like.

Rep Counts 10-20-30


Ball 1: Burpees–Run to ball 3.

Ball 3: BombJacks- Suicide back to Ball 2 up to Ball 4.

Ball 4: Squats- Suicide back to Ball 3 up to ball 5.

Ball 5: Werkins- Suicide back to Ball 4 up to Ball 6.

Ball 6: Merkins- Suicide Back to Ball 5 up to ball 7.

Ball 7: Diamond Merkins- Suicide back to ball 6 up to Ball 8.

Ball 8: Big Boy Situps- Suicide back to Ball 7 up to ball 9.

Ball 9: LBCs- Suicide back to Ball 8 up to Ball 10.

Ball 10: Box Cutters- Mosey back to Start

Rinse and repeat  increasing as stated 10-20-30

Was shooting for 3 rounds. Most got in 2.5ish.  2-3 HIM completed all 3 rounds like the beasts they are. All accelerated. Non partner work but lots of guys picked each other up and worked together to make it happen.

Long Mosey back for COT right on time.

FNG- Jason Holland- LT. Colonel in the US Army now known in the Gloom as Cloggs.


Newsletter- Sweati upcoming.

Prayers- Cloggs is taking his new command of the MEPs Facility in Chicago and traveling back today.

Sick/injured and traveling PAX.

Thanks Jedi for allowing me to lead where I got my start.

Duck Out


TClap |

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